Tag Archives: Victoria Yeh


Internationally-renowned flutist and composer Ron Korb is again sharing his love of world music with his latest album full of Latin, Middle Eastern, European and Asian  influences, played by outstanding culturally diverse musicians.  The physical CD of Global Canvas drops officially on Friday October 4th with a special concert on at the 3030 Dundas West club (details at end of blog). He will be joined on stage by many of the artists who recorded the 18 tracks with Ron, including Bill Evans (piano/keyboards), Steve Lucas (bass), Xiaoqiu Lin (erhu), Larry Crowe (drums), Victoria Yeh (violin), Rick Shadrach Lazar (Latin and Middle Eastern percussion) Ray Hickey Jr (guitar & koto) plus other guests.

I’m going to let Ron tell you about the project himself…..

You always give us beautiful cover art (photographs) and liner notes on your albums. Your wife, Jade, is a talented photographer and a brilliant design collaborator, creating such beautiful covers for all your albums. It was pointed out to me by one of your dedicated fans that this is the first time you’re shown without a flute in hand. Why the change in style….are you re-branding?  The Global Canvas cover and album design wasn’t a conscious rebranding but the image just felt right. It is the idea of having a blank page from which the inspiration will spring. If you look closely you will even see subtle white brush strokes adding some texture and the white shirt I am wearing just blends into the canvas texture. We did try the opposite approach of having explosive vivid colours representing the energetic world music grooves on the CD but in the end this seemed more true somehow. Now that I think about it, the introspective cover portrait really captures the look of someone working out ideas in their head. 
Ron incudes a track called “Angkor Wat” that was inspired by a trip to Cambodia with Human Rights activist Arn Chorn Pond, to whom Ron was introduced by one of the most famous artists of the past 40+yrs. Watch this video to learn who….

And what’s next once Global Canvas is out in the world…do you have special performances lined up or more film work?  I have been invited to perform in Ricky Kej’s group in Dubai in January. Ricky is a 3 time Grammy winning artist and very well known and popular in his home country of India. There are some other great performing opportunities materializing in 2025. I also play on Ricky’s new album and also Masa’s new single Kashira.  In my life, I never know what new thing is around the corner. Film work or studio always comes up very quickly so we shall see what the New Year will bring.

If you’d like to join Ron at his launch concert in Toronto you can click on his website for full details: www.ronkorb.com
GLOBAL CANVAS album release concert
Friday October 4th at 3030 Dundas West in The Junction (Toronto)
Doors open 7pm – Show starts 8pm
Tickets $35 at door or $30 in advance from Ron’s website or via Eventbrite.ca
To reserve your table, contact club 3030 Dundas W at 3030.table.reservations@gmail.com

Follow Ron on social media: Fcbk + IG @RonKorb