Thanks to my friend and PR colleague, Peter Ashworth, I attended last night’s “Eat to the Beat” fundraiser benefitting the Willow Breast & Hereditary Cancer Support organization here in Toronto at the prestigious Roy Thomson Hall.Hundreds of hungry guests strolled around the circular outer hall, indulging in some of the yummiest treats created by the city’s leading female chefs, accompanied by all manner of liquid refreshments including one of my favourites…below
Upon entering the grand hall, my BFF Erena and I were greeted by a bustiered kick-line of charming volunteers from the Willow organization. They were outfitted to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Eat to the Beat and as you can see in this quickee video, all were bedecked in festive accoutrements…LOL
What a great way to start the evening. Congrats to all the energetic, hard-working volunteers! So Erena (in B&W striped jacket below) and I pressed on and started our safari into the gourmet jungle. Calories be damned!
So many charming chefs who proudly shared their best dishes with us all…
Lamb was a popular meat last night which, of course, made this Downunder lady very happy. It’s no joke when we Aussies boast that Australia was built on the back of a sheep. Yummm.
In between gobbling up the samples, we ran into media friend Christine Bentley (host of “What She Said” on SiriusXM)….and more fabulous funny friends from Willow & event sponsor Scotiabank who worked the room like pro’s!
In case you were wondering…yes, there were lots of handsome gentlemen there, too, including reps from Hockley Beer, Pr. Edward County wineries, Ace Bakery and the Bonnie Gordon College of Confectionary Arts!
Lots of delicious desserts were on offer, too, and being the dedicated chocoholic that I am, I headed straight for the Succulent Chocolates table (below). You have to taste their chocky-wokkies…wow, talk about a party in your mouth!!
These sour cherry/mascarpone blintzes were amazing, too.
So many food stations, not enough tummy space! So glad I wore elastic waisted pants…LOL
Apart from all the festive foods and drinkies consumed, we mustn’t lose sight of the night’s mission to raise awareness and $s for the Willow organization. All of us with family, friends or our own selves living with cancer are so grateful to Willow for providing an amazing network of support services. THANK YOU!
It was so nice to see such an enthusiastic crowd coming out to support the event….
…just enough time left to enjoy a few more naughty nibbles at the dessert stations….
..and thank goodness for Starbucks and their smiling crew (below) who helped cleanse my palette with a nice strong cuppa coffee.
I managed to snap two of my favorite ladies, Erena (below left) with Lynne (below right) from KMH Labs on Edward Street
And here he is, the one and only Peter Ashworth (below) who worked so hard with his lovely associate Ashley to bring in the media to cover this important soiree.
Please visit if you need any support or information. And if you would like to like to donate to their cause, it’s certainly not too late.