I recently had the pleasure of meeting IEDEN WALL, Toronto tv host, writer/producer, motivational speaker and now…. author! Ieden (pron. Eden) has just published a book of poetry and proverbs, the result of years spent discovering life, love and career, meeting the challenges of creating a productive and authentic life.
“Being on my own at age 15 opened up a very unique lens through which I viewed the world. By sharing my poetic lyrics and pearls of wisdom, I have been able to impart many life lessons that I learned the hard way. I hope those reading The Wisdom of Wall will be empowered to survive the many pitfalls and speed bumps of life without suffering the way I did. And that makes me feel great.” – Ieden Wall (pictured above)
In his book, The Wisdom of Wall, Ieden engages a wide range of topics such as human existence, social and political unrest, love, romance, spirituality, religion and much more. He explores the world and the human condition with a sharp wit, an acute sense of irony and a mysterious sixth sense. In this book of poetry and proverbs, we find a complex mind in search for identity, lost memories, purpose and transcendence amid a dizzying gust of existential curiosity.
I sat down with the author and asked him about his inspiration for the book and what drives him to create:
What first inspired you to start writing your thoughts down in rhyme? Strange though it sounds, I was inspired by the genius of Leonard Cohen and then Bob Dylan and Tom Waits. Even at 15 years-old, I was so moved by their depth and creativity. I was on my own so young and the raw, brokenness of Cohen captured my imagination.
Having experienced a challenging life as a teenager and young adult, how do you think sharing your wisdom and poetic insights will help others surmount their own obstacles in life, relationships or careers? Too much wisdom can be a heavy burden, but my wish is that readers will find that special message that connects with them at just the right time and makes all the difference. The truth is a great liberator and there are many truths in my book, from cover to cover.
What advice were you given as a youngster that has stuck with you over the years? Don’t be afraid to share what is most precious to you. Good art and great art is separated by the many depths of honesty and revelation.
To date, you’ve had a successful career in broadcasting as well as motivational speaking – how difficult is it to sit down and write in a solitary environment? Writing in a solitary environment was cathartic, in the deepest sense. I am a walking paradox. Enigmatic to myself and others. [smile] On one hand I love interactive performance art like broadcasting and stand-up comedy. On the other hand, I adore the soulful isolation that gives birth to honest, raw poetry.
How relevant do you feel poetry is in today’s world? I believe it depends on the poet. I suppose poetry about the inner beauty of butter churning is not so relevant to our high-tech generation [laughs] but the deepest matters of the heart are always in high demand — even more so now as technology pushes us into our brains and away from our hearts.
I hear you may be considering collaborating with musicians to create recordings of your spoken word accompanied by original music – any favourite artists on your “wish list”? Well I’m currently trying to lure Garth Brooks away from his 60 bedroom, 25 bathroom shack in Montana and back into the recording studio. He would do a fabulous job with my poem called “No Love to be Won”.
Any advice to would-be poets/authors looking to take that first step in putting pen to paper? Be honest. Be brave. Be yourself. Enjoy the process and detach from the outcome.
Wall has already garnered kudos and thumbs-up for his literary work from fans such as …
“A Canadian poet with a distinct charm and remarkable grace.” – Dr. Jonathan Sarna, Newsweek
“Wall’s ability to fuse absurd humour with the poignancy of humanity is brilliant.” – former Mayor of Toronto, David Miller
“The Wisdom of Wall is 200 pages of grace, charm and an agile wit. Wall does something that few poets have been able to do here in Canada – he delivers deep, profound messages, with the punch of a comedian and the rhythm of a master lyricist.” – comedy legend & Founder of Yuk Yuk’s Mark Breslin

with Mark Breslin
“There is nobody out there quite like him. So much soul under Wall’s veneer of wry humour.” – John Terauds, The Toronto Star
“A wonderfully wise and thoughtful read.” – filmmaker Robert Lantos
The author will be selling & signing copies of The Wisdom of Wall on Saturday October 14 (8pm to 9:30pm) at the 5-star Shangri-La Hotel (VIP screening Room, 3rd Floor) located at 188 University Avenue, Toronto. Live music and video segments will accompany the readings.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to me at FordhamPR@rogers.com – space is limited so email soon.
The book will also be available for sale online at EdenTV.ca or Amazon.com on October 15th. Published by Cosmic Landscape Publishing.