Congratulations to Toronto contemporary artist JOHNY DELUNA on a great opening reception for his solo show, “Spontaneous Levitation” at Art Square Gallery, 334 Dundas St West (opposite the Art Gallery of Ontario) in Toronto. Last night, Johny greeted friends, family, art collectors and other gallery curators to his colourful, provocative show.
He even had a 4-legged art fan drop by…
Fellow artist, Nancy Bennett (below), brought some of her friends to admire the intricate and detailed work.
Media maven Georgina Bencsik grabbed Johny for a selfie (below)
Johny’s elegant partner, Katrina (below), was also a work of art herself as she helped host the soiree…
..and I was thrilled to welcome some guests visiting from Australia who fell in love with Johny’s work.
Sandy, above with Johny, actually runs a community arts program back home in Queensland, Australia, so she was excited to chat with him about his work….and maybe an invitation to visit Down Under in the future?
Spontaneous Levitation runs until June 19th so please come on down and meet the artist who will be on-site most days.