Tag Archives: Toronto painters

Meet Toronto’s JOAN ANDAL ROMANO, the featured artist for December at URBAN GALLERY

I headed down to URBAN GALLERY (400 Queen St East, Toronto) on an unseasonally bright and sunny Saturday afternoon to attend the opening soiree for local artist JOAN ANDAL ROMANO, whose beautiful and colourful works will hang on the gallery walls until January 9th in her solo show GRATIARUM/GRATEFUL.  I had the pleasure of interviewing Joan in between receiving congrats from her friends and family on such a stunning showcase and here’s what she told me about her work and inspirations…

20151205_143955Above, Joan chats with a friend as her young daughter looks on….and below, everyone was snapping pics of Joan and her work.20151205_144129Below, Wayne Abell of UrbanSource Catering enjoys the paintings with KJ Mullins, publisher of Newz4U.net news website.20151205_144250The festive spread by UrbanSource Catering is always a fabulous treat and Joan’s launch event was no exception. I managed to grab a quick pic before it was “appreciated” by hungry gallery guests….20151205_144628…and drinkies were served by Michael (below R) ably assisted by gallery director Calvin Hambrook (below L)20151205_145659Here are more of Joan’s paintings….20151205_145605



And this one already has a RED DOT – SOLD!

This one (below) is my favourite…something about the delicate colour palette, the pretty light yellow background and the pattern of the kimono. What do you think?20151205_143918You can learn more about Joan by visiting her website – http://joanromano.weebly.com/  or why not visit Urban Gallery yourself and view her works in person? Gallery hours: www.urbangallery.ca

But if you’re too busy with Christmas shopping, join me for a quick virtual walkies thru the gallery here:


Tonight marked the official launch for local artist NANCY-JANE PRICE‘s latest painting series “Don’t Be Afraid of Colour” at URBAN GALLERY, 400 Queen St East, Toronto  www.urbangallery.ca

20150910_17535620150910_18313820150910_183135Nancy-Jane’s first passionate encounter with colour occurred while she was still in kindergarten. She was to fill in a single pane of a stained glass window design on a piece of brown paper. She chose the most beautiful shade of magenta her young eyes had ever seen, carefully filling in the space. But when the teacher noticed that Nancy-Jane hadn’t started at the bottom, she was summarily removed from painting duties. That memory runs deep. She continued her love affair with colour in public school and colour has stayed with her ever since, mostly through dress and home decoration.  Five years ago, after various art classes focused on traditional drawing and painting, she decided to “loosen up” her style, and signed up for an ongoing studio class where she concentrates on non-objective painting in acrylics with an emphasis on intuitive sense of colour. IMG_4402IMG_442720150910_183116Artist statement:  Colour, space, juxtaposition, design; the mystery in the way it works, the joy of being alive…

Here’s Nancy-Jane (below left) with KJ Mullins, Publisher of www.Newz4U.net20150910_175434And here’s artist Linda Langerak (below left) with Wayne Abell of UrbanSource Catering, and KJ Mullins20150910_180646

Visit www.Facebook.com/UrbanGallery to take a virtual walk thru the gallery (video)


Paintings by Nancy-Jane Price.  Show runs until Sat. September 26, 2015UG-Letterhead-BC