Tag Archives: pretty flowers

SPRINGTIME IN YORKVILLE – come for a stroll with me thru the parks & gardens

Today is the one sunny day forecast for this week so I took a stroll thru my neighbourhood parkettes and gardens, snapping away at all the pretty flowers that have finally poked their heads above ground.20170503_112819Across the street from my building is the old Manufacturers Life Bldg, surrounded by beautifully manicured gardens that I frequently photograph. Thanks to the heavy rains yesterday, most of the tulips looked a bit beaten down but I found a few nice beds still in tact – below20170503_111733 20170503_111952 20170503_112034Then down the little side street you’ll find a charming parkette (pictured below) that’s usually populated (sadly) with homeless folk but today I had the place to myself…and the flowers.20170503_112236 20170503_112752 20170503_112805 20170503_112901 20170503_112913This poor little tulip looked so lonely – his mates obviously failed to sprout!20170503_113023_002Lots more flowers to enjoy in this tiny nature strip alongside Church Street north of Bloor, including these stunning Magnolia blossoms in the back garden of one of the neighbouring row houses.20170503_113115 20170503_113125 20170503_113052Lots more lovely flowers to capture along the side streets near Yonge & Bloor…20170503_113258 20170503_113411 20170503_113857I strolled down Hazelton Avenue in the heart of chi-chi Yorkville and found some lovely surprises in the cottage gardens….20170503_114651 20170503_114742…then back home via Yorkville Ave, dropping in to say hi to the firemen of Station 312.20170503_11570920170503_115728 20170503_115808Hope you enjoyed my little virtual tour of the lovely flowers and gardens near my home…now go get out there in the sunshine yourself!