I had a fabulous outing today to The Gem Expo, along with its sister show, The Meta Expo (featuring healers, psychics and alternative wellness practitioners). OMG, each time I attend one of the 3x a year shows, I find new bling to admire (and buy!) and learn new things so today was no exception. To get things started, here’s the creator of these hugely successful shows, Salim Moorani, to tell you about Gem & Meta Expos….
Thanks, Salim. So let’s head into the main hall…
I spoke first with the lovely lady from Choden La Himalayan Silvercrafts who attends every show with her stunning silver and gemstone jewellery…
You can see more on their Instagram: @chodenla_silvercrafts
Then I dropped by www.thearguscollection.com booth and spoke with Alison whose daughter runs this unique business. Look at these lovely gems imported from Vietnam….
I really connected with the lady who runs www.bellajewelsdesign.ca I found a number of cute gold rings (esp. the little square ring pictured 2nd row, 2nd from left) and necklaces but I managed to resist the temptation!
You can check out more of her gems on IG: @bellajewels.design
And now for something completely different: www.oldsoulproject.com offers unique therapy “beads” to help those afflicted with arthritis or neuropathy in their hands (and that includes me). Owner Alex D’Oliveira will explain…..
Alex was gracious enough to create one just for me so I’ll enjoy the wee exercise “balls” for my fingers.
There was lots of my favourite Lapis Lazuli today, including these cutlery handles which definitely would NOT go in the dishwasher!
I then found the Dea Terrae booth (below) that included raw gems and fossils…apparently the Newmarket-based store is expecting a shipment of dinosaur fossils soon. Keep watch for those via their Instagram: @deaterra
So much to see – if you love precious and semi-precious stones you can buy them raw, tumbled & polished or ready made into beautiful jewellery, like these pendants below….
If you’d like to check out Gem Expo and Meta Expo this weekend, you can find the shows at the Hyatt Regency, 370 King West in downtown Toronto and the times are: Friday 11:30 – 8pm, Saturday 10 – 6pm and Sunday 10 – 5pm
Tickets for both shows combined are: Adults: Daily only $10.00, Weekend pass $20, Students & Seniors $5, Kids 12 and under are always free! All the details & directions can be found here: https://thegemexpo.com/