Last year, artist COLIN NUN displayed his typographical painting “Union” during Urban Gallery‘s annual group show and it turned out to be the show-stopper of the exhibit (see below).This month, Toronto’s URBAN GALLERY proudly presents Colin’s solo show “Prototype” featuring his unique and intricate paintings including a smaller version of his popular painting from last year, this time titled “Union II” (below)
As I wandered around the gallery, each painting threw down the challenge “read me” – so standing back and squinting a little, each painting became the word and the meaning. A recipient of an Ontario Arts Council grant, Colin’s work is fascinating and I was intrigued by a smaller piece, a 12″x 12″ gouache on paper titled “Coop” – the more I looked at it, the more I related to the meaning of the word. Hopefully I can afford to put a red dot alongside it within the next week or two. Sold!
Colin has a number of big bold paintings such as “Crux”, “Cycle” and “Barber” (below)
…and I especially liked his “Void” – can you see the word on the canvas below?
Colin’s proud dad, Frank (below, right) brought along some family friends and they gravitated towards his large canvas titled “Deluxe”.
Colin’s twin sister Erin also dropped in to support her brother – here she is enjoying some refreshments along with the artwork (below).
These super cool dudes, all friends of Colin’s, dropped in and added their thumbs-up to the show…
…especially his buddy Frank who seems to have a personal connection to “Cream” (below). In order to maintained his dignity and integrity, tho, I employed my “don’t ask, don’t tell” interview style with him…LOL!
Let’s watch now as Colin tells us all about his work….
Gallery curator, Allen Shugar (below L) enjoyed hanging this show and he spent some time chatting with Colin during the reception.Two of my fave pieces are “Joy” and “Silence” – each is subtle and the texture Colin achieved with the oil paint makes them both very tactile (but I restrained myself and kept my hands to myself!)
Colin shared his creative insights with gallery guests and he attracted attention from fellow artist Erik Chong (2nd pic below)…
If you’re looking for an exciting gallery experience, definitely consider dropping into Urban Gallery while Colin’s work is on display. All paintings are very affordable for the budding art collector, and each is mind-expanding and visually challenging. You can learn more about Colin at:
Urban Gallery is located at 400 Queen St East (just E of Parliament) Toronto. Hours and directions here: And please do follow the gallery on Instagram and upload pics of your visit to Colin’s show (just like these two guests) @UrbanGalleryTO