Tag Archives: Mark Roberts


Every February, my inner gear-head starts twitching with excitement – it’s time for the annual Canadian International Auto Show!  Yesterday’s Media Day offered intro’s to new manufacturers, new designs, new technology and teased us with gorgeous luxury vehicles few can afford…me included.

One of the first exhibits I visited was Ford where I made a beeline for the brand new Mustang Bullitt edition. Oh my, she was a beauty. One of my fave Steve McQueen movies was Bullitt and the stories about the fate of his original hunter green Mustang are legendary. I let my imagination run wild as I snapped away…20190214_102338 20190214_102422 20190214_102502 20190214_102440Ford also had a NASCAR vehicle on display (Joey Logano’s car) plus a life-sized Lego racer (below)20190214_102143 20190214_102634Check out the new Jaguar – what a stunner.20190214_103602 20190214_10351220190214_103619And Acura unveiled its latest model (below)20190214_103850New model unveilings are always exciting for the automotive journalists and this crowd was super excited to watch Cadillac present its new SUV (below)20190214_104026

Then over to the other side of the hall to see Maserati. My fave colour is blue so of course I had to snap this moment as the boys played with these bright shiny new toys!20190214_104948Now for the BIG trucks – so nice to feel so “petite” when standing alongside these beauties.20190214_105008 20190214_105529 20190214_111133 20190214_105047

There’s also a cool WWI/WWII display courtesy of www.TankMuseum.ca in the hallway of the South Bldg – definitely a must-see for the little soldier in all of us!20190214_102042

20190214_101930I always enjoy a stroll thru the vintage auto displays and this year’s exhibit didn’t disappoint – many were “cherry red” so it made for some great photo opps.20190214_120549 20190214_120638Back over to the North Bldg of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and in the basement, you’ll find the exotics – the ultimate prizes for all car lovers. Aston Martins, Lotus and Stingrays oh my!20190214_124641 20190214_12482720190214_124846Then I bumped into (literally) Brit car designer Mark Roberts of McLaren who kindly posed for a photo beside his creation, the McLaren Senna.    20190214_124336(0)Also located on the lower level of the North bldg is the Barrett Jackson collection of 60’s & 70’s muscle cars and they’re as sexy as all get-out! Don’t miss this display – if you’re like me and grew up in this era, fond memories will come flooding back…20190214_125139_001 20190214_125210 20190214_125223 20190214_125234 20190214_125312So if I’ve whetted your appetite for stunning autos, you have until Sunday Feb 24th to visit the annual exhibition of mega horse-power, style and technology. Tickets, directions and show info can be found at: www.autoshow.ca and if you have family members who prefer their driving to be stationary, there’s a big X-Box gaming area in the South bldg that should satisfy their needs/wants….20190214_120924…as well as other car-themed promotions…20190214_120814..and also a kiddie playland for the little ones. Have fun, drive carefully…20190214_103722